07. Arm Mover

You’ve written your first ROS node! This was no trivial task. You’ve had to learn quite a few things to get to this point. But before you will be prepared for the final project, we have some more ground to cover.

Namely, we still need to cover:

  • Custom message generation
  • Services
  • Parameters
  • Launch Files
  • Subscribers
  • Logging

In order to gain an understanding of some of the above, you will be writing another node called arm_mover .

Description of Arm Mover

In many respects, arm_mover is quite similar to simple_mover . Like simple_mover , it is responsible for commanding the arm to move. However, instead of simply commanding the arm to follow a predetermined trajectory, the arm_mover node provides the service move_arm , which allows other nodes in the system to send movement_commands .

In addition to allowing movements via a service interface, arm_mover also allows for configurable minimum and maximum joint angles, by using parameters.

Creating a new service definition

As you learned earlier, an interaction with a service consists of two messages being passed. A request passed to the service, and a response received from the service. The definitions of the request and response message type are contained within .srv files living in the srv directory under the package’s root.

Let’s define a new service for simple_arm. We shall call it GoToPosition .

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/simple_arm/
$ mkdir srv
$ cd srv
$ touch GoToPosition.srv

You should now edit GoToPosition.srv , so it contains the following:

float64 joint_1
float64 joint_2
duration time_elapsed

Service definitions always contain two sections, separated by a ‘---’ line. The first section is the definition of the request message. Here, a request consists of two float64 fields, one for each of simple_arm ’s joints. The second section contains is the service response. The response contains only a single field, time_elapsed. The time_elapsed field is of type duration, and is responsible for indicating how long it took the arm to perform the movement.

Note: Defining a custom message type is very similar, with the only differences being that message definitions live within the msg directory of the package root, have a “.msg” extension, rather than .srv , and do not contain the “---” section divider. You can find more detailed information on creating messages and services here , and here , respectively.

Modifying CMakeLists.txt

In order for catkin to generate the python modules or C++ libraries which allow you to utilize messages in your code you must first modify simple_arm ’s CMakeLists.txt ( ~/catkin_ws/src/simple_arm/CMakeLists.txt ).

CMake is the build tool underlying catkin, and CMakeLists.txt is nothing more than a CMake script used by catkin. If you’re familiar with GNU make, and the concept of makefiles, this is a similar concept.

First, ensure that the find_package() macro lists std_msgs and message_generation as required packages. The find_package() macro should look as follows:

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS

As the names might imply, the std_msgs package contains all of the basic message types, and message_generation is required to generate message libraries for all the supported languages (cpp, lisp, python, javascript).

Note : In your CMakeLists.txt , you may also see controller_manager listed as a required package. In actuality this package is not required. It was simply added as a means to demonstrate a build failure in the previous lesson. You may remove it from the list of REQUIRED COMPONENTS if you choose.

Next, uncomment the commented-out add_service_files() macro so it looks like this:

## Generate services in the 'srv' folder

This tells catkin which files to generate code for.

Lastly, make sure that the generate_messages() macro is uncommented, as follows:

   std_msgs  # Or other packages containing msgs

It is this macro that is actually responsible for generating the code.
For more information about CMakeLists.txt check out this page on the ROS wiki.

Modifying package.xml

Now that the CMakeLists.txt file has been covered, you should technically be able to build the project. However, there’s one more file which needs to be modified, package.xml .

package.xml is responsible for defining many of the package’s properties, such as the name of the package, version numbers, authors, maintainers, and dependencies.

Right now, we’re worried about the dependencies. In the previous lesson you learned about build-time dependencies and run-time package dependencies. When rosdep is searching for these dependencies, it’s the package.xml file that is being parsed. Let’s add the message_generation and message_runtime dependencies.



You are now ready to build the package! For more information about package.xml , check out the ROS Wiki .

Building the package

If you build the workspace successfully, you should now find that a python package containing a module for the new service GoToPosition has been created deep down in the devel directory.

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ cd devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
$ ls

After sourcing the newly created setup.bash , the new simple_arm package has now become part of your PYTHONPATH environment variable, and is ready for use!

$ env | grep PYTHONPATH

Creating the empty arm_mover node script

The steps you take to create the arm_mover node are exactly the same as the steps you took to create the simple_mover script, excepting the actual name of the script itself.

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ cd src/simple_arm/scripts
$ touch arm_mover
$ chmod u+x arm_mover

You can now edit the empty arm_mover script with your favorite text editor.

Let’s move onto the code for arm_mover .